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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ladies slicing toes to wear heels in comfort is so hot right now

Woman putting on shoes (© Getty Images)

Why bother finding a pair of shoes that fit your feet when you can just surgically alter your feet to fit your shoes? A "growing number" of women are reportedly having surgery to make their high heels more comfortable, receiving special foot injections, shortening their toes — and in extreme cases — cutting off their pinky toes altogether. "Unless you've been there, and you can't find shoes, and you're in pain, don't judge," said Susan Deming, who recently underwent a toe-shortening procedure on her left foot, which had longer toes than her right. She says going under the knife was a worthy price to pay for better-fitting heels: "I've never felt this good about something I've done. If it's vain, it's vain." [Source]


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