Heat wave: 10 ways to keep kids cool !!
It’s hot outside. Don’t lose your cool.
As the recent heat wave intensifies, it’s important to remember that rising temperatures can be more than just uncomfortable. This record-breaking weather can be dangerous--even deadly. Staying cool is a priority, so here are ten ways to combat the sizzling heat.

1. Chill your wrists: Chris Baskind of the Mother Nature Network suggests running cold water over wrists for a minute every hour:
“When you were sick as a child, your mom may have brought you a cold facecloth. This idea works the same way.”
2. Stay hydrated: Kids may not feel thirsty, but it’s essential to stay hydrated, so make sure young ones are getting lots of H20. If you’re planning to leave the house, freeze some water bottles and take them with you.
3. A little help from some fans: They may be little, but those battery-operated personal fans can make a big difference.
4. Frozen washcloth: Freeze a washcloth and then plop it on the back of their necks—instant refresher.
5. Turn off electronics: If they’re not being used, unplug electronics to keep them from generating unnecessary heat.
6. Stay downstairs: Downstairs areastend to be cooler. Herd kids into an air-conditioned basement, if available. If not, stay on the first floor.
7. Don’t cook: Feed kids fresh foods like salads and fruit. Not only will this cool the core, it’ll also keep cooking-related heat from filling up the house.
8. Plan ahead: If you’re leaving the house, make sure you won’t be spending too much time in areas without shade. Bring plenty of water and dress in lightweight, light-colored clothing.
9. Precool: Lifehacker recommends “precooling” to counter overheating:
“Before you start exercising, you can use a couple precooling techniques to keep your temperature down. This includes drinking a slushie, or even just draping a cold rag around your neck. These precooling techniques can improve endurance in hot weather exercise by nearly 4 percent.”
10. Postpone laundry: Plan to do heat-generating activities after the sun goes down. Do laundry at night, for example.
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