1. Your wedding gifts are still taking over your living room.
Okay, so you haven't figured out where to put your new china. Not a big deal. But add to that the bedding, kitchen appliances, and random gifts you totally didn't register for (hello, like you really needed a vase with dolphins painted on it?), and it's clear why there's no space on the couch to sit down!
2. Your bathroom has more products than a CVS.
Do you really need six different facial moisturizers, four bottles of hair glossing spray, and a year's supply of tampons on hand at all times? We didn't think so.
More from The Nest: How to get a sparkling kitchen
3. You store your silverware in the dishwasher.
Holding out on buying a $10.50 plastic tray to keep your utensils separated in a drawer doesn't exactly make you a budgeting pro. Besides, you have to be getting sick of wondering whether the fork you just picked up is clean or dirty.
4. You use the trunk of your car as a second closet.
It's one thing to keep a pair of gym clothes in your car in case you're inspired to hit the treadmill after work. It's a whole other deal to wake up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, and head out to the driveway to pick out what to wear for the day.
5. You own two copies of Reality Bites.No matter how much you love watching Winona Ryder dance to "My Sharona" in a convenience store, multiple VHS copies are not necessary. Um, especially if you no longer own a VHS player.
6. You keep your tax returns, Christmas ornaments, and college T-shirts in a box labeled "Stuff."
No wonder why you can't find anything! Throwing your swag in a box doesn't mean it's organized...and trust us, sorting out the W-2s from the holiday light strands does not make for a fun Sunday activity.
7. Your cabinets are packed with canned foods from the Y2K scare.
It's called an expiration date, people! Storing cans, boxes, and bags of food in your pantry because you "might use them one day" for "that casserole thingy" doesn't make much sense when the cans are topped with dust and you don't own a casserole dish.
8. You can't shut one dresser drawer without opening another.
Tired of spending 10 minutes trying to force open your sock drawer every morning? Not only does a packed dresser make it harder to find what you're looking for, it also leaves your clothes wrinkly (and, really, who likes to iron?).
9. Your closet is giving you a concussion.
Maybe that's a little dramatic, but you're a bit tired of getting clobbered in the head with a stiletto every time you open the door.
10. You have more things stored under your bed than in your garage.
Hey, if you can't see the clutter, then it doesn't exist, right? Wrong. Randomly tossing items under your bed because you don't want to think about a better storage option is frustration waiting to happen (ahem, like when you're looking for that cute yellow sundress you shoved under there last October).
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